brief, but long update
okok so i know it's been forever since i've updated this site of mine. i just seriously can't find the time or sometimes the energy to type something up.but just to give a brief update of what's going on with me:
i'm back in ottawa (obviously), it's good to be back although i am finding it hard to get back into the routine of being on my own. i've been pretty lazy about cooking, so i've been making meals that require little preparation, which is bad because that means not a lot of veggies. totally not used to waking up for class, or even walking to school for that matter! ughh i want a car, it would save me so much time! i hate running errands because it takes an hour to do one 'quick' thing, cuz the transit system here absolutely sucks! i mean what kind of public transportation stops running at like 10:30pm!!!
i've been really tired and low on energy, especially cuz i'm just getting over being sick for an entire week! i have a feeling this year might be a tad more stressful than last year was, but i guess that's all expected since it is my 3rd year. *shudder* very hard to believe that in less than 2 years i'll be a university graduate and left vulnerable to the "REAL WORLD"
2nd year i went out dancing prolly once or maybe twice but that's about it. definetly a MAJOR change from first year! i think this year will be a combination of the first 2 years. went out dancing saturday and OMG it felt good to let loose! i do admit that i wasn't used to the pushing and the shoving and the drunken girls acting completely stupid, so i lost my cool for brief moments and had to be calmed by Kriss. luckily there was only one close call where i nearly lost it cuz a girl bumped and pushed me aside so hard, but apparently she was in a really bad mood, so i let it go. what's weird is that it bugs me more when a friend is being pushed around rather than myself. anyhoo i think i'll go dancing every once in a while just to relieve some stress, as long as Calvin doesn't mind too much hehe.
finally bought all my books, took me awhile but i managed. not looking forward to reading about oh i dunno 90% of them!!! =(
oh yes and i'm officially freaked out of my mind about going to sleep because i saw HUGE spider on my bed yesterday!!!! spent a good 1 1/2hrs carefully taking everything out from under my bed, checking them for spiders and sweeping very thoroughly! it took me forever to fall asleep last night cuz i was soo paranoid! I HATE SPIDERS! *shudder* ughhhhh!
lastly i'm of course missing Charisse!! i get so sad when i look at her pictures because i miss carrying her in my arms!! she's just the cutest little thing in the world! my little bundle of joy! i'm so jealous of everyone in vancouver because they get to see her and play with her every sunday!! they get to watch her grow up, they get to see her two tiny little teeth that are just beginning to appear!!! awwwww hopefully i can convince my sister to come to Toronto for Christmas, i have to see her at least one more time before she turns 1 year old!! =(
ok that's enuff from meeh!
until next time!
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