it's funny how life works sometimes, kinda like game of poker, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes you just gotta play with the cards your dealt. even if you've got 5 cards in your hand that can't get you anything, you just gotta make the best of it. just trade-in whichever cards you don't think you'll need and see if you'll get better ones. but you've gotta remember that you only have a limited number of "trade-ins", once you use all those up, you either fold and give up or give the other players a run for their money. you try to get them to fold and if you lose, hey at least you tried and maybe you even learned a few is just the same, you can trade in things that you might not like; your friends, school, job, boyfriend/girlfriend, even things about yourself or your family, but after awhile, you're just gonna have to accept what you've gotten for yourself, or you can just fold and give up altogether....
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