Wednesday, April 06, 2005

it's disappointing when you realize that the people who are supposed to know you best really don't know you at all.

you can depend on friends to show you a good time, to tell you when you're wrong,to lend a shoulder to cry on,and offer advice

you can depend on a boyfriend/girlfriend for those times when you're friends aren't there, to talk to anytime without condition, give suggestions, encouragement

you can depend on family for all of the above, plus more, because they're never going anywhere, they can't be changed or replaced.

BUT, in the end the only real person you can ever rely on is YOURSELF. the less expectations you have on other people, the less they can disappoint you when they let you down. having such high expectations of other people only puts a strain on your relationships. having high expectations only leaves you more vulnerable to disappointment. why put yourself through such unncessary heartache?

but for some reason so many of us find this hard to do.

oh well


At April 20, 2005 12:33 AM, Blogger DarrenGene said...

but what really sucks is when all you got is you, and you let yourself down. Then who can you rely on? Nice to stumble upon ur thoughts wendy =)


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