Sunday, January 15, 2006

a thot...

we all travel on this road called Life and at more than one point in our travels we've come across a fork in the road. I know this is so cliche, and i'm not one for cliche's but it's the easiest way to put this. I'm sure most of us have heard the poem by Robert Frost, The Road Less Travelled, but can you actually say that you took the road less travelled? the road that you weren't sure where it would lead you, u weren't sure if there would be other forks, potholes you could fall into, traps along the way that could hurt you. Would you still want to take that road? What if i said that in taking this road there is a GUARANTEE that everything will work out, maybe not the way you want it, but still work out.
But then there's the other option, option B, the road more travelled. The road which every sign points towards, the road that most of your friends have told you to take. you basically know where it will take you, you know the generally route; potholes, traps, hidden intersections because you've been told. Now which road will you take?
But what if you knew that option B could end up being a dead end, will this affect your decision?
Let's review: we've got 2 choices
Option A: The road Less Travelled. The road where you have less control over what happens, but that comes with a guarantee that things will work out in the end.
Option B: The Road More Travelled. The road which most ppl have told you about, so you know most of the route, you know what could happen, you know that it could lead to a dead end. This road comes with no guarantee.

Why is it that most of us still choose Option B? Why not go with the option that comes with a guarantee? Why are we willing to take the risk of coming to a dead end?

Which road have you chosen?
are you willing to live with the consequences of your actions knowing that there was another road, another option that came with a lifetime Guarantee?

Don't get caught standing over a hospitable bed, sitting through a funeral service, sitting in a courtroom being charged for manslaughter, or even listening to your parents yell at you for breaking the rules wishing you had taken the LIFETIME GUARANTEE. the guarantee that says things will work out in the end; terrible things still might happen, but eventually you'd be able to accept them. Time can heal the wounds of sadness and pain, but no amount of time can wash away the GUILT, that can last a lifetime.

i've painted a pretty gruesome picture, are you still ready to live with the consequences?


At January 17, 2006 1:42 PM, Blogger Calazula said...

Sucks that things are just like that. I know people who'd rather make a wrong choice than to be guided to the right one. Like they said in Harry Potter: "Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them." If there was only a way to convince them otherwise... I'll figure something out someday I hope. Or better yet, I need some kind of Deux Ex Machina...

I enjoy taking the road less travelled. Everything's a mystery and knowing that no matter what (good/bad) happens, I'll get to my destination in the end. Kind of like driving Claudia. There's always some random thing going wrong, but u still get to where you need to go :D I'm just glad you're taking the road with me! *awww!!!*

At January 19, 2006 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, heavy blog wendy. Good thoughts though. And I like Calvin's Harry Potter quote! It's so very true!!!!! Haha and props to Calvin for that awesome last line! Wish you were here Wendy!!! I hope you're still caught up with the readings unlike me haha! LAters! :)


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