Thursday, April 28, 2005


woohoo i am officially done and DONE! finally! the entire year seems to go by so quickly, yet exams seem to never end! i for one cannot believe that 3rd year has come and gone in the blink of an eye, i mean where have i been these past 8 months?! but before i start reminiscing i've got a lot of packing to do! moving out of my apartment after being here for 2 years! kriss and i have deecided to move in together and finally do it right for our last year, too many bad deecisions and unnecessary stress, for those who i confide in, you'll know EXACTLY what i'm talking about! ;)

i spent the entire day yesterday packing up my room and i'm still NOT done! it was such a slap in the face when Calvin called me a PACK RAT! ahhhhhh noooooo NOT MEEEH! so i definetly spent some time sorting through everything and throwing out A LOT of things! you just never know when you'll need some of this stuff....even though some of them might be expired already (flyers, take out menus, burnt lightbulbs hahaha etc) and WOW do i have a heck of a lot of plastic bags! i'll try and take a pic of my empty room (ooo i hsould have taken a before and after...oh well too late!) and all my stuff packed up.

i'll be leaving ottawa tomorrow and heading back to good ol' TO.
for those in TO: can't wait to see you all and spend some quality time together, since i'll actually be in town this time! lol Han: we've gotta start planning your b-day soiree as soon as i get settled back in!

For those i'm leaving behind in ottawa (or those also going home): i'm gonna spend more time around sand, i'll be better next time! lol and i'll see you in 4 months! or of you're in TO!

For those in VAN: I'M TRYING I'M TRYING! i know i promised all you gals that i'd come back and take you all out and i intend on keeping that promise! i owe some of you a drink! i know the retreat coming up won't be the same without me! hahaha no crazy stories at 4 in the morning!

okie dokes time to continue packing! :S


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