*huge sigh* ok so i'm as the Title reads "totally procrastinating." i working on an essay for my summer school class British Literature and it was supposed to be due this Friday, but i just found out today that my prof has deecided to give us an extension because apparently there've been a lot of ppl emailing her about not being able to hand it in on-time. so the revised due date is next Thursday the 4th, which in any other circumstance would be GREAT thing, but unfortunately not in my case. you see since the essay is due a week later, i might (as i am currently doing) procrastinate and take my time writing it for another whole week! which also means that everyhting else i hadplanned for next week will get pushed later. registration is next week the 5th, so i need to get mving and start making up a timetable! plus i really need to get cracking on my lectures (i haven't even watched one for this term)! and i need to gte started on the readings! and continue with the research i'msupposed to be doing for my bro! this stupid essay has taken up allll my time! so you see i HAVE to get it done by the original due date THIS FRIDAY or i'm screwed! i'd say i'm about 60% done writing it, however the big problem is i'm not really sure what to write anymore. i'm not having writer's block or anything, it just seems as though i've run out of ideas, or rather points to discuss. i htink i've already started to write my conclusion, but it's WAAAAY TO EARLY! so there's my dilemma. again: *HUGE sigh* back to the writing table...oh yes AND...dare i say this knowing that i may get a few very angry comments or emails....well i'm gonna have to say it sooner or later....
i don't think
that i'm
going to be able
to go to
Vancouver this
*bracing for impact* eeeeeek. I'M SORRY! i blame it on my stupid summer school, i still don't know when i'll be writing my exam. i just dont wanna go for only a week cuz it's just such a waste. sorry girls!
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