My Opinion
If you don't like computers, don't become a Computer Engineer or IT personIf you don't like science, don't become a doctor
If you don't like math, stay away from engineering and accounting
If you don't like dealing with people, don't become a CSR
If you don't like helping others, don't become a pastor.
It you don't like doing a lot of work, don't become a leader.
Seems like a pretty simple concept to me. Yeah? Apparently not! If you've chosen a certain path for yourself, then stick to it; give it your 100%. No one forced you into the position that you're in (if indeed you chose it), if you don't like it, then quit! Everything in this world requires team effort, excuse the cliche, but "no man is an island". You have a certain task to perform, but if you don't like it then let someone else take your place, because you're pulling down the rest of the team. The worst is when the leaders of a team are the lazy ones, the ones sitting back expecting everyone to come to them; thinking that they've done enough; it's not their responsiblity to recruit people. That's just plain selfish.
I think politicians and pastors have a lot in common: Public Image
If you can't handle it, and if you're not willing to step up, then step-down because you're making the rest of us look bad.
Politicians represent certain parties
Pastors represent certain religious denominations
Politicians are expected to act a certain way to represent their party favourably
Pastors are also expected to act a certain way to represent their congregation favourably
What happens when a politician fails to pay attention to the citizen's needs?
They lose votes
What happens when a pastor fails to pay attention to the church members' needs?
They lose followers
What do we do with a politician we are unhappy with?
Vote them out of office
Now, what if the leader(s) want to do their position or have the heart but can't execute it? How do you deal with a politician who stutters while giving speeches? A manager who doesn't know how to delegate? A teacher who can't explain? A guitarist with only one hand? A psychologist who has ADD?
Certainly we can't go expect to go through life meeting only Einsteins in research, Schumachers in racing, or Billy Grahams in Christianity. There'll always be people who can't match up to our (or anyone's) standards. Some will simply just suck at what they're doing :P
While it's easy to file a lawsuit against a sloppy surgeon, report an unethical engineer, or fire a racist police officer; things aren't as easy when it comes to someone you know, have some kind of relationship with, etc. What do you do with your mother-in-law who loves kids wants to take care of your kids but is too absent minded to give them the proper attention? What do you do when the leader of your fellowship is too emotional to make good judgement? What do when your rally co-driver gets motion sickness?
Of course the easy route is to get rid of said person. Tell the m-i-l to go shopping and hire a babysitter. Rally to get the leader kicked off and have a replacement put in. Find a new co-driver. But I believe that approach, while simple and effective isn't the best way to handle things. I believe (under most circumstances) one should try their best to work with the person to find a resolution and if that doesn't work, then you either pull that person or yourself out of the situation
If the m-i-l is too absent minded, make a list for her to follow. Call in every so often to check up on things. It's harder but unless she puts your kids in constant danger, why break her heart?
If the leader lacks judgement, feed them ideas and insight. Nudge them in the right direction. Unless they're leading everyone off a cliff, be the guide and support they need to do their job.
If your co-driver gets motion sickness, buy them gravol. If racing with you means that much to them, accommodate and let them puke unless winning means more to you.
And now that I've said all that... what do we do about our situation(s)? :P
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