Some food for thought
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Friday, July 23, 2004
so incredibly sad....
haven't written in a must be one of my saddest/disappointed days while i've been here in Vancouver. i'm going away for the long weekend in August, leaving the 30th of July coming back the 1st of August. going to an island here in BC and staying at a house that's situated in the mountains. it's so nice and peaceful the scenary is absolutely breathtaking. My sister yesterday suggested to invite Calvin along, that he should just change his flight from August the 2nd to July 29th. and i thought that would be so great, it would have been perfect, i called him and we planned it all out. just needed to call AirCanada to change his flight. BUT.....i found out today that it's basically impossible for him to come, because it would cost over$500 just to change his flight to the 29th, b/c it's less than 7days notice. to come on the 30th would be $250 but we leave at 10am and his flight wouldn't arrive till 11am. so the bottom line, he isn't coming, i guess i'll just have to settle for the few hours he has free on the 2nd before he leaves for his cruise. Then we part again till the 25th.2 words: THIS SUCKS.....
what a great way to kick off my weekend away to Latona Beach.......
Saturday, July 10, 2004
the verdict *drum role please.....*
my baby is going back to residence =( i was really sad and reluctant at first, just seeing all the bad points about it, but of course my baby has a way of turning everything into something good/positive. he spent a good hour i believe convincing and telling me how great it'll be for the both of us. how it'll actually be a good thing if he lived on residence for this reason and that reason, i won't give the details=) haha j/k SHISH! so yeah i guess i'm starting to believe and look forward to it, but he'd better keep his word with everything he said! it should be an "interesting" year, right hun?ok that's it for now, don't remember what else i was going to write.
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
what to do? what to do?
so i'm happy and i'm sad. my baby got accepted back into residence for school. i'm really happy for him because i know it'll be easier for him to get to class and no need to cook. plus he got accepted into the new building, which is really nice! this way he'll have his own room, so more privacy, more space to himself, get more work done. but that means it won't be as easy for us to see each other, and although i suppose it's not THAT much further, but it is when there's no car involved. so that means no more late nite walks to Shoppers or ice cream, no more random visits, no more trips to the supermarket. but if he were to stay in the apartment again it means a VERY SMALL living space, with little to no privacy, but 10 times cheaper, easier to get to church, and of course easier to see ME! oh dear WHAT TO DO?!well at times like this there's only one thing i can do: be a supportive girlfriend. whatever he chooses all support him 100%. at least i'll try my darndest! =) oh well i guess i'll find out in about 1week, what the verdict is...........
Monday, July 05, 2004
For You
This is for you hun, i knew from the moment i met you that we were destined to be together, but i thought just as a friend. I told my friends that we were "Soul Bestfriends" we had so many things in common, it was uncanny! But apparently God had something else in store for us, something both of us weren't expecting: a Soulmate. God brought the two of us together, two ppl living totally separate lives, living and enjoying the single life, not wanting or looking for a serious relationship. What are the chances that you happen to live just 8 floors down (in ottawa), go to the same church (in ottawa) and live just 5mins away (in toronto). then it happened in that single moment when we were standing by your doorway and i was ready to walk out, go back up to my apartment and go back to my life, in that moment i fell in love with you.143 018711117 8170 1'177 177153128873 43123 111/0 11. 1 01817'7 111817 70 83 4310 117 401112 8121775 868117.
It Only Took A Minute
Mandy Moore
Don't tell me how i had a vison
That this day would come to be
Call it luck, call it intuition
Here I am (here we are), isn't that enough
For a little bit of reality
Fate is good, fate can be real
If you believe it's what you feel
Oh, what a moment
When i looked into you eyes
I knew i got the prize
Oh, baby, what a sweet surprise
It only took a minute, to let you in my life
It only took a minute, for me to realize
It only took a minute, and i knew just what to do
It only to a minute to fall in love with you
Time and time again, boy I've always been
The only one who think things through
You got a hold on me, set me free
Who would've known that out of the blue
I discovered the magic of all my dreams that night
With just one look at you
I knew that everything would be all right
It only took a minute, to let you in my life
It only took a minute, for me to realize
It only took a minute, and i knew just what to do
It only to a minute to fall in love with you
Here I am, isn't that a vision
Here I am, isn't that a vision
Oh, what a moment
When i looked into you eyes
I knew i got the prize
Oh, baby, what a sweet surprise
It only took a minute, to let you in my life
It only took a minute, for me to realize
It only took a minute, and i knew just what to do
It only to a minute to fall in love with you
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Giant VS. Baby
This is my bro JP and Charisse. Well she's not crying so i guess that's a good sign. She looks sooo small compared to him! She is so spoiled, but honestly what do you expect when you've got so many aunts and uncles who absolutely ADORE babies!
mmmm SUSHI!
Sushi anyone? This is for my baby, i know how you love your sushi hun, so i'm sending you some! Hope you like it! Miss you so much and i wish i could be there with you!So me, my sister and Marcial decided to make our own California Rolls today. However, we did make a slight change by adding some mango slices to one roll. What can ya do, Marcial LOOOOVES his sweet stuff, and apparently it tasted pretty good. it looks like there's A LOT of rice b/c it's all white but it's actually crab meat. Pretty impressive eh?