What random object are you?!
You are a sock.
You are a cozy, fuzzy, warm-hearted person. A lot of your friends describe you as a hopeless romantic. You fall for the opposite sex very easily. But be careful, because usually you don't know what you are getting into, and because you are very sensitive, you can get hurt... especially in early relationships. Also, don't exclude the cold-hearted from your "want-list", because they just might be looking for a kind person to warm up their heart.... or a sock to warm up their feet.
Most compatible with: Fork.
Click here -- What Random Object Represents Your Inner Self?
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the most important thing: today
MARCH 8TH IS MY DARLING LITTLE NIECE'S 1ST BIRTHDAY!! i wish i could be there and give her a huge hug and kiss. she's growing up so fast. she's already saying "mama and dada" and she's even able to walk on her own! well 1 or 2 steps and then she falls, soo cute! i miss her like crazy but hopefully i'll see her in the summer. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARISSE!
getting there
Feb. 27 was my bro's b-day, he turned 24 eek! ican't believe he's getting so old!
after Reading Week everything was soo hectic! I had my rough copy of my BritLit essay due on Monday (28th), March 3rd: Film Essay Due, March 5th: Psychology Midterm (think i did pretty well woohoo!) March 5th was also KRISS' 22ND B-DAY! it was nice to go out after the stressful week esp that psyc midterm!
but after that it was right back to work because tomorrow March 9th my britlit final copy of my essay is due (but i'm all done!) which is why i'm updating now! lol
our girls nite out at Fire&Ice. good times, esp elaine with her chinese fried noodles (i think that's what those yellow sticks are called) note Hannah's shirt (I love it!): "No Man's Woman"
and last but not least! tell me that this isn't THE SEXIEST butt you have ever seen! whEwwwww! DAAAAAAAMMMN! that's my baby right there, the AUDI S4 with over 300hp! it gives me tingles just thinking about that kind of power! hehehe
i can barely touch the ground! =(
mmmm so sexy...the bike that is hehe=) j/k i love him on bikes! one sexy package lol.
just a few pics from the autoshow, too many to post them all up.
Reading week
after that on Feb 17th i had a HUGE mid-term for Politics and Literature worth 40%! i was really freaked out about this mid-term and as usually before an 8:30am exam i never get any sleep the night before. but i think i did pretty well on it, well it was one of those things that i either did really well on or i totally flunked! i had to use a second exam booklet (each one is 15pgs) so i definetly wrote a lot for just 4 questions.
that same day i went home for the reading week break, which was very welcomed. although i had an essay due the monday i got back, which was so not cool!
had a great break though, went to the autoshow and got one more round of skiing in before the season ends.
also had a fantastic girls day out where Hannah and i went for DimSum, visited our old High School, did our nails met up with Elaine to have dinner at Fire and Ice and Bubble Tea!
here are all the pics:
next on the list would be the B-ball game that Kriss and i went to. It was the grand opening of the new sports centre and alumni complex, and it was Carleton Ravens VS. Ottawa Gee Gee's. sorry i don't have the pics on my comp. but the place was absolutely PACKED! totally sold out! and of course the Ravens won! come on, seriously we're UNDEFEATED! also went to watch the Ravens Vs. UofT Varsity Blues and again we won!
here's a full length shot of the 2 of us. we had to ask 2 different ppl just to get a proper full length, because the first one was only half our bodies. it was kinda sad looking at all these other girls throughout the night though, cuz theyall looked soooo deevastated! there was a table of about 4 of them and they weren't saying a word to each other! i wanted to take a pic, but i thought it would be kinda mean! lol
ok so i guess i'll have to go all the way back to Feb. 5th when calvin and i went to Charity Ball. i've been planning to go to this since like first year, and finally in my 3rd year i make it out. it was a good chance for us (well me in particular) to get all dressed up princess like. the atmosphere was pretty dull, but calvin and i made the best of it managed to have fun.
well hello stranger!
alright alright so i admit that i've totally been neglecting this site of mine! but i have good reason: i've been swamped with work.
but i do have pics to put up! so here they are: