Thursday, November 24, 2005

hmmm strange....

and it is officially winter here in the Nations Capital. actually it's been winter for about a week now. our first snowfall was i think on the 17th. so yeah it's snowing outside, but as you can see in the picture it appears to be snowing inside my windows....hmmm strange. is that normal? i mean my windows are closed, but there's still snow INSIDE. i mean i can actually touch snow without opening anything! and i seem to be experiencing a breeze coming from under my desk, cuz my feet are freezing! but again no windows opened....hmmm also strange. the answer isn't a hard one folks, quite simple actually: PRINCE OF WALES.
sigh... c'est la vie

Saturday, November 12, 2005

hitting close to home

usually when things happen halfway across the world it never really affects me on a personal level. i mean yeah that it's terrible news, but i can't really feel the anxiety and the worry that other ppl feel when they know someone amidst the crisis. i suppose you can say i've always been "lucky" for lack of a better word.

but now there's a new situation to worry about, a new crisis on our hands. (it never seems to end does it?) France is falling apart, riots are breaking out everywhere; stores are being robbed, cars are being vandalized, buildings are being burned, and there's a curfew in affect in certain areas. sounds like a scene from out of a movie, but then again everything seems like that nowadays. and normally it wouldn't phase me, but this time it has, there's one small difference with this situation from every other world catasprophe: my brother is in France. this time it's hitting close to home.

at first the riots were mainly in Paris, but they've spread into the city where my borther is currently living. riots are breaking out and there are police everywhere. i'm not sure he'll ever really tell us how serious the situation is, i can only hope and pray that it isn't as bad as it seems and that it all ends soon. i mean what else can i do? NOTHING, there's nothing else i can do.


finally went out for a night of dancing yesterday! school has been holding me back. but i finally had a weekend where i could afford to go out and let loose! The DJ at The Drink on Friday nights is THE BEST! he plays a lot of the old school songs, which are ALWAYS classic! Run DMC, Mariah Carey (Fantasy), Real McCoy (Another Night, Another Dream) and of course JUMP AROUND! The Join team was there promoting so they had a team of girls up on the bar, but unfortunately they didn't really do anything. i totally thought they were gonna do some cool dance moves, but no NOTHING! shish what kind of promo team is that?

it was a really fun night, as usual!

and here are some pics we took once we got home after a long and tiring night of dancing for 2 1/2 hours straight!

Just some random pics

here are some random pics i took a while ago, just forgot about them haha.
my floors deecided to go crazy on me! it was not fun! took the stupid building ppl forever to send ppl over to fix it. after nearly a week i got fed up and spoke directly with the building manager and gave him a piece of my mind. and VOILA! by 8am the next morning i had guys coming in to fix it all up! it's amazing how much faster i got results just by yelling....i mean SPEAKING with management =).

after a really heavy rain fall there was a really nice rainbow. i had to take the pic of course through my window, so it didn't turn out nearly as clear as it actually was.

isn't it pretty? Afterall it is God's promise that He would never flood the earth again.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

missing my baby

well in case some of you don't know, stupid calvin got to go to Vancouver for "work". and yesterday he got to see MY bundle of joy! got to pick her and play with her! grrr i still have to wait 1 month and pay for a flight, while he gets to go ALL EXPENSES PAID! my hard working tax dollars!

but despite my bitter jealousy i'm happy for him...=)

just hurry up and come home!
7more days...

Monday, November 07, 2005


You know what i HATE?! people who offer their opinions despite the fact that they weren't asked for it. Worst of all that they actually think their opinion is even important! I mean seriously come on, don't flatter yourself into thinking that we actually want to know what YOU think, cuz guess what WE DON'T! When i want your opinion, i'll ask for it, but don't hold your breath.

in the meantime, SHUT UP!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

one of many favourite pictures. she just woke up from her nap so her eyes still look sleepy. don't you love her pajamas, almost everything she has is Winnie the Pooh!

this is a rare moment; her putting her head on my shoulders. she fits so perfectly in my arms....*sigh* i miss her. 1 more month.

I got to bring her to ChuckECheese! OMG it was soo cute, she even knows how to say "Chuck E Cheeeese" as soon as we turne into the plaza she was already yelling "Chuck E Cheeese, Chuck E Cheese!" haha it was adorable. of course i had to play a little trick on her and walked her towards the ChuckECheese but then hung a right and started walking towards the other store, the look on her face was priceless! we did a whole tug-of-war for a bit and then she dropped her head in complete and udder disappointment and gave up. but of course i picked her up and brought her in at that point. i'm not mean, i just like teasing her! hehe=)
isn't she just the cutest thing?!
only babies can get away with doing this and still look so cute. even though she walked all the way up there, she could still only drop the ball into the 100slot lol. but it was so cute just watching her!

well that's it for ChuckECheese, there are so many more, but i had to be really selective. can't post all of them


haha ok so it's been since forever that i've updated this thing! i can't help it i'm busy with school! (that's my excuse for everything nowadays lol) well i'm gonna make this kinda brief b/c i should be reading my novel, i've still got 100 pages to go and i've gotta write a 40min presentation on it still!

so my sister and my adorable little bundle of joy came down to toronto from vancouver for A MONTH! i know a month! i almost dropped out of school when i heard that, cuz i wanted to be in Toronto and spend time with them for that month. but at least i was able to get in two 4-5 days weekends and go home to see them. went home thanksgiving weekend and spent a RELAXING 5 days at home, did absolutely ZERO work, only because i finished everything beforehand. Then i was able to go home this past weekend for another 4 days because it was time for them to leave. once saturday came around i was sooo sad! i couldn't believe my cute little Charisse was leaving me and i'm not going to see her for another MONTH! but i did take LOTS of pictures hehe. so here they are, well some of them:

Probably one of my favourite things to do is dress her up in clothes that are WAY to big for her. haha it's just so cute. she's like a little doll =)