Reading List
Ok so I guess it's about time I've started reading again. I decided to take a leave of absence from the whole reading thing when I finished school. Don't get me wrong, I love reading, but after having to read ~5 novels a week/2 weeks for 3 years I got a LITTLE tired and worn out. So for the past few months I've been easing my way back into it, but I still find myself speed reading through the pages with the constant notion that "I have to finish, I have to finish!!! 1 minute/page is too long!" haha. I think I can safely say that I'm starting to realize that I have NO DEADLINE! I can take a MONTH if I wanted, wow I've never had this luxury of time, it's like a whole new concept! Ok, so maybe I'm being a tad dramatic! But it will definitely be nice to read books again at my own leisure; I'm hoping to eventually re-read all the books I read over my university career...ok maybe not Fairie Queen!=) For now I'm reading some books that were put on hold while I was in school. So here's the list of books I'm reading and books I've finished just recently:
Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss
-pretty good for the first 100pgs or so, then it starts to get a little redundant, but I still recommend it
Night by Elie Wiesel
-an excellent read! He's one of my favourite writers
A Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
-I'm on day 31/40, but so far its been pretty insightful
-it has definitely helped me answer some questions during some difficult times during the course of reading it
Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell pg 52/172
-I can't seem to get through this book, I keep picking it up and putting it down again
-it's like a bad version of a stream of consciousness style, and I already found it hard to get through Virginia Woolf, imagine a bad version?!
-maybe I've been reading too many scholarly novels?
All Rivers Run to the Sea, Elie Wiesel's Memoirs pg 42/418
-This is my most recent book and so far I'm loving it, but then again I might be biased =)
Happy Birthday
Jan 3 @ 10:51 am
Ok so it was my birthday on Monday, yes New Year's Day, yes I was the new year's baby (stroke of midnight baby!), and yes I was on the front page of the Toronto Star. That's usually how the conversation goes=). So another year has gone by; I don't feel different though, but I am a year older. I think my mom was a little shocked at how old I'm getting just because I'm the baby of the family, but I don't feel old and I don't think I'm old. 23 is still young, although I'm not getting any younger, but I'm ok with that because I'm happy with the position that I'm in in my life. I'm right on track:
1) My spiritual walk and relationship is stronger than ever and getting stronger.
2) I graduated and started working at the job that I wanted within a couple of months, well technically 2 days after my official convocation.
3) I'm in love with someone whom I plan on marrying (and who plans on marrying me=) )
4) I'm happy and I'm satisfied
When I came back to work on Tuesday my co-worker played a slightly different version of a Happy Birthday song for me....I know they love me lol. =S
Here it is:
Once a year we celebrate with stupid hats and plastic plates
The fact that you were able to make another trip around the sun
And the whole clan gathers round and gifts and laughter do abound
And we let out a joyful sound and sing that stupid song
Happy Birthday
Now you're one year older
Happy Birthday
Your life still isn't over
Happy Birthday
You did not accomplish much
But you didn't die this year
I guess that's good enough
So let's drink to your fading health and hope you don't remind yourself
Your chances of finding fame and wealth decrease with every year
Does it feel like you're doing laps and eating food and taking naps
And hoping that some day perhaps your life will hold some cheer
Happy Birthday
What have you done that matters?
Happy Birthday
You're starting to get fatter
Happy Birthday
It's downhill from now on
Try not to remind yourself
Your best years are all gone
If cryogenics were all free then you could live like Walt Disney
And live for all eternity inside a block of ice
But instead your time is set this is the only life you get
And though it hasn't ended yet sometimes you wish it might
Happy Birthday
You wish you had more money
Happy Birthday
Your life's so sad it's funny
Happy Birthday
How much more can you take
But your friends are hungry
So just cut the stupid cake
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Dear (continuous names)
ok so it's been a while lol. But I've been writing regularly on my facebook account instead of here for some reason. So here are some of the "notes" I've written there.
Dec 22 @ 5:17pm
So I understand that everyone goes through this period of 'finding themselves', but what I don't understand is why at the end of it they find 'someone else'? I don't mean a literal someone else, I mean they end up finding someone who is the complete opposite of themselves. Sure we all wish we could be a certain way: more outgoing, smarter, prettier, cooler, skinnier, bigger (muscular-wise), more articulate/eloquent, taller/shorter etc etc! The list goes on and on; as human beings we have insatiable appetites for 'improvement'. What we really need to come to terms with is the fact that we can't change who we are on the inside; we can try to change how we appear and how we act to those around us, but usually the truth of who we really are comes trickling through the gaps. I'm not saying that quiet people should stick to the shadows, because sometimes the quietest of people can be the most effective leaders. But what I am saying is that if you are quiet/loud then don't pretend not to be. Being either introverted/extraverted isn't a bad thing. I know I know, the grass is always greener on the other side, trust me, I KNOW, but the best thing you can do for yourself is ACCEPT who you are. Nothing is more attractive then someone who is confident about who they TRULY are. By pretending your someone you're not you're simply making a fool of yourself. You might get new friends, or a new boyfriend/girlfriend, but it's not real, because the friendship/relationship is based on something fake. Personally, the temporary high isn't worth it; why settle for temporary when I can have a lifetime. If you're looking for "True Love" "True friendships" try being true to yourself first. Sure you might stumble along the way; some people might hurt you, but changing who you are isn't the solution. The solution is waiting for the right relationships to come along, the one that accepts you for who you are, idiosyncrasies and all.
I know I'm not really saying anything that hasn't already been said, but it just bugs me. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm loud, sometimes obnoxious, and snobby (some ppl out there will get it haha). I may not be the same person I was back in high school, but at the centre of it all I'm still me, just less self-conscious about it; I broke out of my shell, I didn't jump into an entirely different one. I'm not going to change who I am because you might not like it, just as I wouldn't expect you to change who you are if I don't like it.
If you got through this entire rant, or whatever it is, then congratulations that's quite a feat and thanks for taking the time.