woohoo i am officially done and DONE! finally! the entire year seems to go by so quickly, yet exams seem to never end! i for one cannot believe that 3rd year has come and gone in the blink of an eye, i mean where have i been these past 8 months?! but before i start reminiscing i've got a lot of packing to do! moving out of my apartment after being here for 2 years! kriss and i have deecided to move in together and finally do it right for our last year, too many bad deecisions and unnecessary stress, for those who i confide in, you'll know EXACTLY what i'm talking about! ;)
i spent the entire day yesterday packing up my room and i'm still NOT done! it was such a slap in the face when Calvin called me a PACK RAT! ahhhhhh noooooo NOT MEEEH! so i definetly spent some time sorting through everything and throwing out A LOT of things! you just never know when you'll need some of this stuff....even though some of them might be expired already (flyers, take out menus, burnt lightbulbs hahaha etc) and WOW do i have a heck of a lot of plastic bags! i'll try and take a pic of my empty room (ooo i hsould have taken a before and after...oh well too late!) and all my stuff packed up.
i'll be leaving ottawa tomorrow and heading back to good ol' TO.
for those in TO: can't wait to see you all and spend some quality time together, since i'll actually be in town this time! lol Han: we've gotta start planning your b-day soiree as soon as i get settled back in!
For those i'm leaving behind in ottawa (or those also going home): i'm gonna spend more time around sand, i'll be better next time! lol and i'll see you in 4 months! or of you're in TO!
For those in VAN: I'M TRYING I'M TRYING! i know i promised all you gals that i'd come back and take you all out and i intend on keeping that promise! i owe some of you a drink! i know the retreat coming up won't be the same without me! hahaha no crazy stories at 4 in the morning!
okie dokes time to continue packing! :S
well i'm about to write my last exam in 2 hours and i'm NOT at all prepared. i'm just so tired and i have no motivation to study for some reason. actually i have an idea why: i HATE this class. i took it as an english course, but little did i know it was also a FILM class, so here i am taking a second year film class with absolutely NO background. oh well just a few more hours and it'll be all over, along with my third year in uni eek! *sigh* i'm soooooo sleepy! don't you just love going to sleep at 2am, and waking up at 5am to continue studying? i just hope i don't fall asleep during this exam :S.
just a quick update:
had a farewell dinner at fellowship on saturday night for all those leaving for the summer...a whopping 2 people: yours truly and Rita. lol
went bowling....COSMIC bowling!
went for all-you-can-eat wings on monday night MMM YUMMY!
and got to head out to the driving range again! woohoo! i'm getting better! maybe i'll post some pics...but we'll see =)
oh yeah AND last week sometime calvin and i headed out to an outdoor go-kart place and had round 2 of our battle! it was great cuz we had the whole track to ourselves and the people weren't really strict about bumping hehehe! i only forced calvin into the tires like....well ok i don't think i can count the number of times on both hands lol!! i wasn't gonna let him pass me! haha after we finished the guy running it said: "she's a tough one eh? wasn't gonna let you pass." GOOD TIMES! this place didn't have a print out of our times or anything so we'll just assume that i WON!
ok it's 7:15 and i've only got another hour left of studying, which is prolly not enuff haha!
for those who are still writing KEEP IT UP AND GOOD LUCK!
for those who are done GRRRRRRR j/p CONGRATS!
2more days and i'm HOME!
it's disappointing when you realize that the people who are supposed to know you best really don't know you at all.
you can depend on friends to show you a good time, to tell you when you're wrong,to lend a shoulder to cry on,and offer advice
you can depend on a boyfriend/girlfriend for those times when you're friends aren't there, to talk to anytime without condition, give suggestions, encouragement
you can depend on family for all of the above, plus more, because they're never going anywhere, they can't be changed or replaced.
BUT, in the end the only real person you can ever rely on is YOURSELF. the less expectations you have on other people, the less they can disappoint you when they let you down. having such high expectations of other people only puts a strain on your relationships. having high expectations only leaves you more vulnerable to disappointment. why put yourself through such unncessary heartache?
but for some reason so many of us find this hard to do.
oh well
hello hello again!
ok so as you all can tell i'm not very consisting with the whole updating thing hehe. i've been meaning to post about Rent, the musical, but i kept forgetting lol.
ok so newayz: on March 12 calvin and i went to watch "Rent" (sorry no pics. I was reallt excited about this cuz it won some awards and so many people absolutely loved it. i'm not sure if maybe i went in with my expectations too high, but i definetly came out utterly disappointed. the storyline/plot was not presented very well, there were a lot of things that weren't explained/potrayed very well. the most disappointing thing about the whole musical was the music itself. the songs weren't very catchy, and the vocals! *sigh* the vocals were just AVERAGE, i mean they weren't terrible or out of tune obviously, but they weren't consistent. for example: this one guy sang in the beginning and i was impressed, well compared to the other actors/singers at least, but when he did his second solo he cracked at least 3 times and went FLAT once. and anyone who ATTEMPTED to sing soprano always fell short, because for one thing they weren't even singing they were screaming. i waited the entire night for the soprano singer, the girl who would take me breath away, send chills down my spine, but she never came...well some girl tried but it wasn't very good. back when i was in High school i watched a girl perform the "Seasons of Love" song at York Mills Collegiate and i was more impressed by her performance than the girl in Rent.
Oh well what can you do? i'm not saying it was a terrible musical, it just wasn't memorable. I think Mamma Mia was much better! sorry to anyone who is reading this and LOVED Rent, it's just my opinion, i don't want to sound like i'm speaking with any kind of authority on the subject.
for some more recent news:
April means:
1)school's almost out! ahhhh that only means exams are right around the corner eek! i was in the ITV room at school catching up on some Shakespeare classes that i missed, and i deecided to make a list of all the ones i missed so i could keep track and make sure i watch all of them. yeah...let's just say an hour class here and an hour class there can really ADD UP :/ well mine added up to 35hours! oh deary me! all i can say is, i'll be spending A LOT of time in that ITV room over the next couple of weeks, 35 hours of time to be exact! basically means i missed 35 classes over the entire school year (Sept-April
NOT Jan-April lol)
2)that it's time for me to plan where i'm gonna live next year and how i'm gonna move all my stuff back home. gotta figure out a way of getting my QUEEN size bed either into storage here in OT or back home in TO. plus i've gotta move my sofa set also, oh dear me! have no idea what i'm gonna do about where i'm gonna live next school year; didn't get into residence (crap), so i need to decide if i'm gonna live with 3 other girls from church or live on my own OR wait to see if i get residence later on since i'm on waitlist. it's unbelivable how stressful this all is, sometimes i'm more stressed out about all this stuff than i am about school!
3)summer is a month away. and usually this comes as a relief, but this year it just brings more uncertainty. i've gotta plan for summer school, talk to the registrar's office about taking a course "tapes to you" so i can stay in TO. this is my first itme taking summer school so i'm NOT looking forward to it. summer also means that i've gotta find a job. this is also sort of a first for me because every other year i worked for the City of Toronto: Parks and Rec, so i never had to reapply since it was guaranteed every year.
AHHHHH SOO MUCH TO DO! but it's all good, no stressing out, cuz that's just not my stlye. stressing out just makes me more stressed out, so i just gotta make sure to take things one at a time, tackle things as they come up, focus on the here and now and let tomorrow worry about itself.
well that's it for now, gotta get back to editing my essay.
see you again in a month or so haha.
btw: if you made it this far without falling asleep, kudos to you! lol ;)